Data Disasters: tales of projects that didn't go to plan
In this Nonprofit Datafolk Club workshop we'll be sharing tales of data projects that didn't go to plan... This could be something you have experienced personally or watched from afar… Or maybe you just want to come and hear some horror stories.
You will be put in three different small virtual breakout rooms to discuss the following questions:
What was the project and what went wrong? (If you don’t have any personal disaster projects then share one you’ve seen/heard about.) Are there any themes between your projects?
What did you learn from the disaster? Were you able to mitigate/limit the damage? How has this helped you avoid similar experiences again?
What is your biggest data fear? Are there any potential disasters you lose sleep over?
Note: Chatham house rule will apply!
About our Nonprofit Datafolk Club
Every month, our Nonprofit Datafolk Club gets together for a rare chance to share experiences and learning. We meet on Teams for an hour-long facilitated discussion. Throughout the hour you will get a chance to chat to different people in a number of small breakout groups. It’s a great way to meet other data folk working in or with nonprofits and discuss matters of mutual interest.
This is a discussion and peer learning session not a webinar. So come along ready to participate for the full hour.
What’s more, it’s free.
Previous attendees have said:
It was useful to speak to people from other organisations to hear what they are doing. Talking about the challenges we're facing here was helpful and I came away with a clearer understanding of our position.
The format works really well
and also
Haha, it’s too good, I’m going to be late for my other meeting instead!!