Data Orchard launches new workshop series for data folk in non-profits


We love data folk

There are some great people working in non-profits, helping their organisations to use better data for greater impact. Some are in distinct data-related roles, others are doing data alongside other responsibilities. Some have management responsibility, others don't.

What unites them is an understanding that non-profits can and should make better use of data.

We get to work with these data folk a lot. We're aware that they can often feel a bit isolated. Not in every case, but in many cases.

A workshop series

We've decided to see if we can do anything to help. We'll be announcing a number of initiatives over the next couple of months. The first of these is a programme of workshops. They will take place on the second Thursday of the month at 1pm UK time.

What we aim to do is provide a (virtual) space where data folk from across the UK and the World can meet, chat and learn from each other.

We'll provide the space and, at least initially, the facilitation, but these are not about bringing people to Data Orchard, they are about bringing data folk together.

Each workshop will have a purpose, they won't just be talking shops. We've planned the first three workshops to get everything moving but future workshops we hope will focus on subjects that the community of data folk identify as important to them.

These workshops will be in addition to our existing and successful series of webinars.

Here's the workshop programme so far:

9th June: The greatest data strategy ever

Come along and be part of crowdsourcing the greatest non-profit data strategy. Bring your questions, your suggestions and your experience. Leave with a crowdsourced document distilling the combined learning of all of the data folk. Find out more

14th July: Try for yourself and the Data Culture Project are a set of free workshop tools and plans designed for and with non-profit organisations. Would they help your organisation? The best way to discover that is to try them and then discuss them with other data folk. That's what this workshop will be all about. Find out more

(We think it's probably sensible to have a break in August. But we're open to running something if there is support.)

9th September: Bring and share: data skills

The data folk equivalent of a bring and share buffet but instead of salad, sandwiches and sausage rolls you bring your thoughts on data skills. A chance to discuss and share experiences: who needs training, what works to develop skills, what doesn't work, and how can we identify what skills people in different roles need? Find out more

Sign up now

If this sounds like your sort of thing here's what you need to do:

  • block out 1-2pm on the second Thursday of each month to make sure no-one drags you into meetings when you should be with your fellow data folk

  • sign up for the first workshop 1pm on 9th June (that's the second Thursday in June)

  • if you're not already a subscriber, sign up to receive our excellent and not-annoyingly-frequent newsletter so we can tell you about future workshops and other webinars.

If you have ideas, suggestions, questions or just want to talk about workshops for data folk, drop a line to Ben Proctor our Innovation Director who will be leading on these for Data Orchard CIC.

Data Orchard