Exciting news about data maturity in the social sector



We’re delighted that our free online self-assessment and benchmarking tool has been such a success.

Since launching the online tool in October 2019 we’ve had over 200 validated users. These include charities, social enterprises, grant makers, public bodies, and universities. The organisations are of all sizes and fields of activity. They’ve come from every country and region of the UK and indeed from four continents across the world.

We’re particularly excited the tool has been used as intended i.e. by multiple people in the same organisation. Around 10% have completed the assessment as a group. A further 20% have had several members of staff complete the assessment.

Both the full and quick versions of the tool have proved popular. 58% have completed the full 20 minute assessment with benchmarking, and the remaining 42% have taken the shorter 5 minute version.


The primary focus of our analysis so far has been on testing how robust our tool is and how it can be improved. In particular we wanted to make sure:

  • the assessment is as quick and easy to complete as possible;

  • the weighting of questions and themes are appropriately applied;

  • and the integrity of benchmark is ensured.


Following a lot of cleaning and data validation we launched a new version of the free tool at the end of January 2020. Most of the changes are almost imperceptible to the end user but will really help us with the analysis. There have been minor tweaks to a few questions, and some improvements to the organisation profile data and approach to benchmarking.

The most exciting new development is that we’ve created a new customisable data maturity product. For this we’re offering organisations a customised sign up page, the ability to add a few of their own questions, and providing them with of a whole organisation report/dashboard (as well as individual reports for their users).


We’ve tested the product with several charities and clients to date with really positive feedback. Now we are, yet again, looking for some guinea pigs to take part in our product development research.

If you would be willing to participate in a 20 to 30 minute phone call with our research consultant, please do get in touch with me (email me at sian@dataorchard.org.uk). Likewise, I’d love to hear from you if you are a consultant or support provider working in the field of data and would be interested in using our data maturity tool with your clients.


Meanwhile, like us, I’m sure you’re interested in what the data says about data maturity in the sector. Be assured we are primed and ready to publish the findings when we are confident with the sample size and representativeness.

In the meantime please feel free to share the tool with your networks and peers in the not-for-profit sector. Thank you to those who have used the Data Maturity Self-Assessment and if you haven’t had a chance to try check out the free version here.

Sian BaskerComment