DatabasicCymru: Creating a databasic training programme for Wales

Data Basic Cymru logo

Client: Data Cymru
Date: 2021 onwards
Work: Designing and delivering DatabasicCymru

Here at Data Orchard, we’ve been working with Data Cymru to help make available for Welsh organisations.

Data Cymru is a local government company that helps local government organisations in Wales to find and use data effectively. We worked together on this data culture project to create a set of Welsh language training resources and datasets tailored to the Welsh context.

The resources were a remix of (and have now become part of), a set of tools and workshop plans developed by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), designed to help organisations kickstart their data culture.

Data Cymru funded the translation of the workshop materials and together we’ve gone further, identifying datasets that are more resonate and are relevant to the people of Wales. The bilingual and localised materials are available right now for anyone in Wales to use for free at

The purpose of the training is to enable changes in cultural attitudes towards data. We want to help people, whether or not they have data responsibility and no matter how senior they are, get more confident with data.

People really enjoy taking part in these workshops. And not just data people, I’ve run these workshops with creative professionals, marketing specialists, HR teams and loads of other non-data specialists.
— Ben Proctor, Data and Digital Innovation Director, Data Orchard

With our support, Data Cymru is also offering DataBasicCymru+, a facilitated training package for cohorts of people within organisations.

Read more about this great project, and why we recommend the databasic materials to non profits.