Fond farewells and warm welcomes for new year 2024
For many the turn of the new year signals change and renewal. At Data Orchard it’s particularly fitting as we say goodbye to our former Chair Nancy James and welcome her successor Suraj Vadgama and new Vice Chair Noreen Blanluet. We also say a fond farewell to Charlotte Worthy, the last of our non-executive Directors who founded Data Orchard back in 2013.
Gratitude to our outgoing Chair
Nancy James
It's with tremendous gratitude that we say farewell to Nancy James, our outgoing Chair. Nancy has stood by/with/for Data Orchard for over a decade. In the early years she attended our away days as an observer, advisor and critical friend. As our enterprise gained momentum she acted as an independent facilitator, steering us through challenging growing pains towards exciting horizons.
Nancy’s wisdom and gentle guidance has left Data Orchard stronger than ever before. Her early influence helped us focus on our critical success factors and on managing risks. When we introduced a new Co CEO leadership model in 2018 she was a sage and astute mentor to myself and Madeleine as we embraced new responsibilities and ways of working.
Perhaps, her greatest legacy has been in shaping our incredible board. Since becoming a director in 2019 and then Chair in 2020, Nancy has supported us to create a smart, strong, and, above all, purposeful board.
Welcome to our new Chair and Vice Chair
Suraj Vadgama, Chair of the board
Suraj Vadgama joined Data Orchard’s board in 2020. He’s Director of Design at Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency for social good. In 2022 he stepped into the newly created Vice Chair role and has been particularly active in facilitating the board’s participation in creating Data Orchard’s strategy for 2023-26.
“It’s been a real pleasure to work with Nancy and I’ve learnt a lot from her experience and wisdom. Data Orchard is incredibly impactful for its size and as we look to the future I’m excited about continuing this work with the fab team and board.”
Noreen Blanluet, Vice chair of the board
Noreen Blanluet joined Data Orchard’s board in early 2023. They are the co-founder of the Co-production Network for Wales and bring vast experience in transformation of practices, mindsets and cultures in contexts of complexity.
“For several years now, I’ve appreciated Data Orchard’s work and ethos. I’m very pleased to be able to support the organisation, and I know I will also be learning loads in the process.”
We’re excited to step into a new chapter in Data Orchard’s story. After a decade of data for good we remain rooted in our values and driven in our mission to enable every nonprofit to use data effectively to achieve their goals.
Whoosh… off we go striding into the future again.